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Archive for March, 2004

Ellen Foley Named Wisconsin Editor

Wednesday, March 31st, 2004

This from the Business Wire:
MADISON, Wisc.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–March 31, 2004–Ellen Foley, managing editor of the Philadelphia Daily News and a Wisconsin native, today was appointed editor of the Wisconsin State Journal.
She has had some noted success in public journalism, plus for a while she kept a weblog with two other women.
Alas, but when [...]

New York Times Essay Contest for Civic Minded Students

Monday, March 29th, 2004

This just in from Griff Wigley, who helped build the PJNet weblog. He writes:
I saw an ad for this on the home page of the N.Y. Times.
The ad says in part:
The New York Times Knowledge Network and invite you to participate in the “Student Perspectives” Essay Contest. We encourage you to share your [...]

Kennesaw State National Champions

Saturday, March 27th, 2004

The Kennesaw State Men’s Basketball Team are the National Champs…of the NCAA Division II.
What’s that have to do with public journalism? Nothing. But Kennesaw State University helps underwrite this site, so this is a nice way to give it a plug.

Jeff Jarvis Wants Your Ideas Too

Saturday, March 27th, 2004

Jeff Jarvis is also going to make a presentation at Harvard’s BloggerCon and he too wants your ideas.
The topic: Making blogs a business.
Now if Jeff could just figure out how to get paid the by the number of words and varying ideas blogger, he would be the world’s richest blogger.
See his second post [...]

Rosen, Gillmor Want Your Ideas

Friday, March 26th, 2004

Jay Rosen wants your ideas for a presentation he is going to make at a BloggerCon session at Harvard about “What is Journalism? And What Can Weblogs Do About It?”
Dan Gillmor has now posted Chapter 5 of his upcoming book, “Making the News.” He wants people to read it and critique the drafts.
It [...]
