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Archive for August, 2004

A Contrast in Ethical Standards or Lack Thereof

Tuesday, August 31st, 2004

Two items at Romenesko show an interesting contrast in the way the rank and file reporters are treated and the journalism elite are treated:
First this from a Miami Herald memo written by executive editor Tom Fiedler:
…fund-raising concerts and events will be waved temptingly in front of us featuring such celebrities as Shaq [...]

One Step in Ending Campaign Mud-Slinging

Monday, August 30th, 2004

The St.Petersburg Times might have found one way to end sleazy campaign tactics.
And while we are on the topic of controversial ads and their consequences, you might want to read this from The Oregonian.

Seattle Times Gives Young Bloggers Political Voice

Sunday, August 29th, 2004

The Seattle Times is giving young citizens a voice with new feature built around blogs. Here is part of its introduction:
In an election year both decisive and divisive, it seems time to hear from the sidelines.
Not from political activists, journalists or insiders, but from younger voters closely following the campaigns and who feel [...]

Moving Off the Dias and Toward the Masses

Sunday, August 29th, 2004

Jay Rosen, public journalism advocate, New York University journalism department chair and now Republican National Convention blogger, writes in part:
Dramatistically, the convention is changing. It’s coming down from the sky box, out from the dias. No more from the mountaintop, some at the top are saying. No more from above. We should be talking [...]

Bloggers vs. Media on Showing Deadly Scenes

Friday, August 27th, 2004

A hostage scene in Toronto ended with the hostager taker getting shot in the head by a sharpshooter. David Akin, who moderated our Fusion Power of Public and Participatory Journalism conference in Toronto, saw the raw footage. He writes at his blog:
this event was filmed from several angles by several crews many of which caught, [...]
