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Archive for September, 2004

$1.5 million Grant to Anniston Star, University Experiment

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2004

It is official, the Knight Foundation is helping underwrite the new Master’s Degree in community journalism program at the Anniston Star in Alabama.
Nice part is that students who get accepted when the program begins in 2006 get a free ride.
The story is below, unfortunately, it costs $4 a month to get into the [...]

Compare Presidential Candidates Head2Head

Tuesday, September 21st, 2004

Reuters has posted short video cuts of speeches from George Bush and John Kerry on various issues. You can pick an issue and see what each says.

Call for Public Journalism Scholarly Papers, Panel Ideas

Monday, September 20th, 2004

This from the Civic Journalism Interest Group (CJIG) at the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC):
The AEJMC will hold its 2005 convention in San Antonio, Texas, next summer — and it’s time to start rounding up ideas for panels and programs. The deadline for proposals is the end of the day [...]

Can Bloggers Lead Charge to Issue Oriented Journalism?

Sunday, September 19th, 2004

In an earlier blog I mentioned Jeff Jarvis’s Op-Ed piece on the possibilities for good that the Rather, National Guard, Bush memo can actually do to lead us towards issue oriented journalism.
Jarvis himself is giving it a stab with his new blog series he calls appropriately enough Issues2004. He says in part:
I’ll write my wish [...]

Jarvis Hopes Bloggers Find Potential for Doing Good

Sunday, September 19th, 2004

Jeff Jarvis at BuzzMachine has an excellent op-ed piece on bloggers and their influence on media. The piece grows out of the Dan Rather, CBS, Bush memos but points us to the real issue here. Will blogs do better or will they be a channel amplifying our most sordid selves?
He writes in part:
As a [...]
