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Archive for October, 2004

Write A Novel in a Month; Ready, Set, Go

Sunday, October 31st, 2004

Starting at midnight tonight you can join thousands of other writers who will take a crack at finishing their own individual 50,000-word novels in one month. It’s all explained at the National Novel Writing Month website. Last year, according to the website, 25,000 people signed up and 3,500 actually wrote their 50,000 words. Look at [...]

Worldplace Journalism: Making the local global

Saturday, October 30th, 2004

Doug McGill of The McGill Report is trying out the word “worldplace” to describe making the global local or the local global. He writes in part:
The idea of worldplace news is that every place on earth is connected by strands of mutual influence, interdependence, and direct causality. Because the geographical distances are so great, say [...]

Teaching Street to Street, Person to Person Journalism

Friday, October 29th, 2004

Temple University has started a new urban journalism lab that’s taking its students out into the streets of Philadelphia. Thomas Petner, a long time TV journalist, who in 1999 joined the revolution, now as an associate professor at Temple directs the Multimedia Urban Reporting Lab. Join us as we learn more about street to [...]

Kate Parry to Be Star Tribune’s Public Editor

Thursday, October 28th, 2004

Kate Parry, a long time public journalism advocate at the St. Paul Pioneer Press, will become the Readers’ Representative at the Minneapolis Star Tribune in December.
She writes in an email:
I’ve had 14 fascinating years directing politics coverage over at the Pioneer Press, but this was too much of an opportunity to pass up. I’ll [...]

Pew Poll: Internet Users More Politically Aware

Thursday, October 28th, 2004

Pew Internet & American Life Project poll shows that Internet users have a wide awareness of political issues, including those issues that go beyond their own political preferences. It puts a damper on the idea that people getting their political information from the Net are just stuck in their own ideological world.
Here is the [...]
