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Archive for February, 2005

Civic Journalism in Kyrgyzstan, Why It’s Needed

Thursday, February 24th, 2005

Yulia Savchenko, a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow underwritten by the National Endowment for Democracy, writes about the need for civic journalism in place like her home country of Kyrgyzstan.
In part in Democracy@Large she writes:
Promoting the ideals of civic journalism is crucially important for the political and social future of Kyrgyzstan, or any other newly democratic [...]

NYTimes Editor Fears Blogs Erode Middle Ground

Wednesday, February 23rd, 2005

Bill Keller, executive editor of The New Yorks Times, in a letter continues his exchange with Jeff Jarvis over why he likes and worries about blogs; and then Jarvis stands his ground. This public dialogue is what public journalism, deliberative discussion dreams are made of–compare it with the crossfire approach. Thanks Jeff and Bill for [...]

OhMyNews Celebrates 5th Birthday Today

Tuesday, February 22nd, 2005

OhMyNews, the South Korean mostly citizen written online newspaper, turns 5 years old today.
It now has an English edition and to learn more about its international ambitions go to this story.
Thanks to EditorsWeblog for the tip.

An Open Letter (One of a 1,000?) to Dan Okrent

Monday, February 21st, 2005

On Sunday Dan Okrent, mentions that of 1,000 messages the New York Times receives daily it only publishes about 15 on its letters page.
If my math is correct, that is 365,000 messages a year. Seems like a lot of voices not being heard, but also a staggering number to process. Still there must be [...]

NY Times Editor: Blogs Give Provocative Insights

Sunday, February 20th, 2005

In an interesting, must read open letter exchange between blogger Jeff Jarvis and New York Times executive editor Bill Keller, Keller writes of blogs:
I find the best of them to be a source of provocative insights, first-hand witness, original analysis, rollicking argument and occasional revelation.
Then he adds:
As I’m sure you will agree, you [...]
