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Archive for December, 2005

My Journalism Essay in Latin America’s Chasqui

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

In September Chasqui, the Latin American magazine devoted to communication, ran the hard copy of an essay by Francisco Seoane Perez and me entitled in English: Tomorrow’s Winning Journalism Formula: News for the Public and by the Public.
The article is in Spanish and finally has been posted online. So if you read [...]

Renaming PBS: Will It Be Public Service Media?

Wednesday, December 28th, 2005

Will the Public Broadcasting Service be changing its name to Public Service Media—along with changing the way it does business? Recently PBS released the 133-page Digital Future Initiative report by a panel co-chaired by James Barksdale and Reed Hundt in which Public Service Media was the theme. To find out what it might [...]

Minnesota’s Daily Planet Uses Citizen Journalists

Wednesday, December 21st, 2005

The Twin Cities Daily Planet is up and running thanks to a grant from the New Voices project at the J-Lab, the University of Maryland’s Institute for Interactive Journalism. Incidentially, the New Voices’ second round of grant proposals are due by Feb. 8, 2006. They will be awarding 10 grants in the new year for [...]

Cartoonist: Editorial Cartoons Good for Journalism

Tuesday, December 20th, 2005

Key Quote: “Eventually newspapers are going to realize that their best weapon in the competitive journalistic war is the editorial cartoonist. It’s going to make economic sense and journalistic sense.”
–Clay Bennett, president, Association of American Editorial Cartoonists
Last week editorial cartoonists let the Tribune Company have it with their Black Ink Monday protest against the [...]

Seigenthaler, Wikipedia- Case Study Now Online

Monday, December 19th, 2005

Join the discussion at the “Seigenthaler and Wikipedia- Lessons and Questions.” case study produced by Committee of Concerned Journalists. It says in part:
The case raises some interesting questions. What does the controversy say about the Web as a platform for information delivery? What does it say about Wikipedia itself? What lessons can journalists take [...]
