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Archive for December, 2005

New York Times and Photo-Ops Vs. Real Photos

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

New York Times ombudsman Byron Calame takes a good chunk of his column today to ask if it was appropriate to run the front page sequence of photos where President Bush tried to get out the wrong door after a news conference in China.
He devotes paragraph after paragraph asking how the decision was made [...]

What Happens With Slander on Wikipedia?

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

The New York Times runs a story today with the subhead: Rewriting History and the headline: Snared in the Web of a Wikipedia Liar.
It is about John Seigenthaler Sr., the 78-years-old former editor of The Tennessean in Nashville, who a Wikipedia entry falsely accused of being involved in the assassinations of John and Bobby [...]

Delivered to Me Today: 11.5 Pounds of Newspapers

Sunday, December 4th, 2005

Just in case anthropologists, archeologists or media historians don’t have their own newspapers to weigh a century or more from now, I am providing this piece of information:
Today Sunday, December 4, 2005, with just 21 days until Christmas, the three newspapers — the Marietta (GA) Daily Journal, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, and The New [...]

Slashdot Approach to Connect News and Internet

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

Slashdot contributor Robin ‘Roblimo’ Miller gives advice on how Slashdot tactics could help news organizations better connect to the Internet.
Here are some of his main headings:
1. No matter how much I or any other reporter or editor may know about a subject, some of the readers know more. What’s more, if you give [...]

Free Press Lists White House Attacks on Media

Friday, December 2nd, 2005

Free Press–founded by Robert W. McChesney, professor at the University of Illinois–speaks out againt the Bush Administration’s tactics, saying
America’s leadership is waging a war against the journalistic standards and practices that underpin not only a free press but our democracy. The Fourth Estate is withering under an unprecedented White House assault designed to intimidate, [...]
