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Archive for January, 2006

AOL, ABC Add Citizen Journalism to Bush Speech

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

The lead from a Reuters story:
Traditional and new media will join forces for a multipronged, interactive approach to covering Tuesday night’s State of the Union address.
ABC and AOL News late last week began soliciting opinions on what ordinary citizens think about the state of the union via a poll, text messaging and even videos [...]

Be the Last One to Hear About Rocketboom Ads

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

Okay so I am bit late, Rocketboom, the Vlog, that’s actually fun to watch, unlike other people’s, is auctioning ads for its daily show at eBay. Here is more about it.

Okay, How Much Is This Vlog Worth?

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

How much would you pay to watch this Vlog?
Or alternatively how much would I have to pay you to watch it?
An Alternative Fuels Documentary
By Leonard Witt


Sacramento Bee Now Online 24/7, Future Uncertain

Tuesday, January 31st, 2006

Armando Acuna, Public Editor at the Sacramento Bee, writes in part:
With little fanfare, The Bee has embarked on the road to its future – a digital, multi-media, interactive, around-the-clock news universe. Everyone knows the final destination. It’s the place where newspapers aren’t on paper anymore but still provide readers with news and information, and [...]

Poynter’s Online NewsU Offers Journalism Basics

Monday, January 30th, 2006

This from the Poynter Institute about its newest NewsUniversity course:
The Poynter Institute’s innovative e-learning center that helps journalists through self-directed training, today released its latest course, “News Sense.” This free course explores the “who,” “what,” “when,” “where,” “why” and “how” of news.
