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Archive for January, 2006

BBC Makes 20-Minute Video on Citizen Journalism

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

The BBC has made a mini-documentary on Citizen Journalism. There is little that is new here for anyone who has been keeping abreast of the movement, but it is still a pretty good primer. It might work in a classroom.
While watching it, I was reminded of a keynote speech statement made by Alejandero [...]

Find, Share, Use Free Academic Research, Syllabi

Wednesday, January 11th, 2006

Want to design a course similar to or even pick up a course just as it was taught at MIT, read on.
Here are free educational course outlines and links to open source scientific publications listed in the book How Open is the Future?
This from the book:
MIT OpenCourseWare
They publish not only syllabi but [...]

Group Work: Go Beyond Deliberative, e-Democracy

Monday, January 9th, 2006

Anyone interested in deliberative and e-Democracy must read A Democracy of Groups by Beth Simone Noveck at First Monday. She argues:
In the same way that the rise of gunpowder changed the face of warfare and the invention of the railroad enabled industrialization, we will look back on the way new technology revolutionized the ways groups [...]

Smart Mobs’ Rheingold Teaches Digital Journalism

Sunday, January 8th, 2006

Howard Rheingold, author of the book Smart Mobs and blogger at Smart Mobs, is teaching a course in digital journalism at Stanford. The syllabus is filled with interesting readings.
The introduction says:
Over the past two decades, shifts in media technologies, corporate structure and the organization of public life have combined to change the [...]

Director Explains Basics of How OhmyNews Works

Sunday, January 8th, 2006

Jean K. Min, director of OhmyNews International, tells India Infoline audience how OhmyNews started and how it functions. Min says in part:
A recurring fear among journalists is that the coming age of citizen journalism would signal the end of “journalism as a serious profession.” On the contrary, the OhmyNews experience shows that trained [...]
