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Archive for March, 2006

Ad Age Rant on How to Move Newspapers Online

Monday, March 27th, 2006

Interesting rant about how Newspapers Need to Be Platform Proactive written at Ad Age online by Simon Dumenco.
Newspapers have to take a leadership role in becoming platform proactive–presenting information precisely where readers can get the richest, most compelling experience, which will often not be in print. In other words, newspapers must dedicate themselves to [...]

Jarvis Blogs: Saving Philly Journalism Unconference

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

Jeff Jarvis is blogging the Philadelphia Unconference which was convened to figure out how to save journalism in Philadelphia. A point he likes, and one that I do too:
Karl Martino comes up with the wiser metaphor for media’s world change. We always say that TV didn’t kill radio; ergo, newspapers must be safe. Karl, [...]

UK’s 3G Phone Impact: Citizen Journalism to Dates

Saturday, March 25th, 2006

Two articles, one from the BBC and one from TechDigest on 3G mobile phone social trends in UK, ranging from personal security to checking your make-up.
First what is a 3G from the BBC:
3G is the next generation of mobile phone technology, offering a wide range of high speed mobile services, including video [...]

Can Game Designers Bring World Peace?

Friday, March 24th, 2006

The Serious Games movement is looking for ways to develop games for serious purposes. reports:

Serious games usually have a message promoting education, science, health care or even the military. They’re meant to educate people by simulating real-world events and are often created with the best of intentions.
Earlier this week there was even [...]

Rosen Mulling Reinventing Journalism Experiment

Thursday, March 23rd, 2006

Jay Rosen just wrote in a continuing conversation over at his site:
Prodded by my friend Len Witt and conscience, I’m considering putting together over the weekend a PressThink thought experiment post, using the image of this hypothetical raid on a sleepy publisher in a market ripe for innovation, where the point is to win [...]
