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Archive for August, 2006

When Photojournalists Become PR Stooges

Thursday, August 31st, 2006

Too often what passes for photojournalism isn’t journalism at all, it’s public relations. Would a real journalist print a press release as delivered? Would a real journalist write verbatim about a staged event, just as it was scripted by the event managers who delivered the event?
So why do the photojournalists even from the biggest agencies [...]

New Motto for Journalism: Innovate or Die

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

In my earlier post below about the $6 million journalism school fortresses, I said let’s make journalism schools incubators for grassroots journalism ideas just as the J-Lab has for communities. The key paragraph in Mark Glaser’s MediaShift story, which includes parts of my earlier post, is:

So why not take the $6 million (Knight and Carnegie [...]

$6 Million to Build Journalism School Fortresses?

Wednesday, August 30th, 2006

Key excerpt from essay below:

The last thing that journalism schools need is more of the fortress mentality, where their students think: “I am a professional and therefore I can practice journalism and you are not a professional and therefore you cannot do journalism.”

Mark Glaser at PBS’s MediaShift asked me for some comments for a story [...]

Be Your Own Video Aggregator

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Be your own video aggregator, set up your own site with via Magnify Networks.
The site’s tagline is:

Turn your site, your community, and your passion into a video site that draws from across the web. Peer-powered, User-generated.

Interesting stuff, especially for people who want to build community around specific interest group videos.
Thanks to Robin Good for the [...]

Let’s Make Great Journalism with Mentos and Coke

Tuesday, August 29th, 2006

Helping the Philadelphia Inquirer's Brian Tierney save newspaper journalism.
The Economist ran a story on saving newspaper journalism and its quoting of Brian Tierney, the new owner of the Philadelphia Inquirer, inspired me to make a vlog.
Brian Tierney this Coke's for you:

