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Archive for October, 2006

Let’s Think of Our Journalists as Rabbis Not MBA’s

Monday, October 30th, 2006

I am not sure why, but I find myself disagreeing rather often with Nicholas Lemann, dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism. (See here and here.) The latest disagreement is over his statement in Geneva Overholser’s manifesto on behalf of journalism. In a discussion about credentialing journalists, there is this:

Nicholas Lemann, dean of the [...]

Overholser: Journalism As We Know It Is Over

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

In the first sentence of Geneva Overholser’s On Behalf of Journalism: A Manifesto For Change she writes:

Journalism as we know it is over.

This week at the Huffington Post she fairly begs for citizen help, but read my italicized sentence to understand why she and the mainstream media folks are adrift:

Please meet me there, oh fellow [...]

Teaching Online Journalim reviews McIntosh Mirror

Friday, October 27th, 2006

The Teaching Online Journalism blog does a review of the McIntosh Mirror, a citizen journalism blog that covers the tiny town of McIntosh, Florida, population 430.
Here is more about from the MacIntosh Mirror blog:

The primary purpose of this blog is to accurately reflect what happens in town public meetings and dispel rumors. I record the [...]

Lessig on sharing economy vs. sharecroppers

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Lawrence Lessig just posted an interesting piece on the difference between sharing nicely and being turned into a sharecropper. Here it is in full. It is a must read:

In the four years since we launched CC, the Internet, and the world’s understanding of the Internet, have changed dramatically. In 2002, the media was obsessed by [...]

Can Citizen Journalism Trump Censorship by Omission?

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

Ever since I heard the term “censorship by omission” as used by Dr. Mercedes Lynn de Uriarte of the University of Texas, it has stuck with me and I have used it often in my own thinking about public journalism, citizen journalism and citizen media in general. Basically it says the poor and minorities have [...]
