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Archive for December, 2006

Editors Weblog Overview of

Wednesday, December 13th, 2006

The Editors Weblog gives an overview of

Debbie a Montclair, New Jersey Local, saw a desire for news in her community that made her decide to try her hand at online reporting…The target audience of Montclair suburbanites is an intellectual group who”live right think left.” Most Barista users check the site numerous times throughout the [...]

A Clay Shirky Quote Worth Saving and Altering

Tuesday, December 12th, 2006

I have been reading the debate that began with the Jaron Lanier essay: “Digital Maoism: The Hazards of the New Online Collectivism,” in which he points out the hazards of collective intelligence.
In a rebuttal I was taken by this Clay Shirky quote, that begins:

Since social life involves a tension between individual freedom and group [...]

Make Content, Support the World’s Charities

Monday, December 11th, 2006

As you might have guessed, I am not particularly in love with the idea of watching the big guys like get rich on my measly content, but that’s how it works, in part. My two videos have had a total of about 200 views. YouTube reported at the time of its sale:

YouTube currently delivers [...]

Web 2.0 for Newspapers Explained

Sunday, December 10th, 2006

Ifra, which bills itself as the world’s largest association for newspaper and media publishing, provides a 26-page online magazine devoted to explaining Web 2.0 for newspapers. It’s a nifty, but also slightly annoying, turn-the-pages online format. It is packed with information.
Web 2.0 and Open Source are terms that are bantered around often without a deep [...]

Memphis: A Journey from Rant to Discussion

Sunday, December 10th, 2006

When Geneva Overholser published her On Behalf of Journalism: A Manifesto for Change, I ranted here, using the word clueless. When the American Press Institute’s Newspaper Next report was released I made a bit of fun of that.
Now I have to actually face the folks behind both reports thanks to Bill Densmore at Media Giraffe [...]
