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Archive for December, 2006

What Folks Are Saying About Gannett’s Mojos

Wednesday, December 6th, 2006

Yesterday I posted my reaction to Gannett’s use of MoJos in Ft. Myers, Florida. Today Bryan Murley and Mark Hamilton have their own roundups of reactions.

Technorati : Gannett, hypelocal, jounalism, mojos : Gannett, hypelocal, jounalism, mojos

Newsrooms must decide: dumb down or smarten up

Tuesday, December 5th, 2006

People in newsrooms have a simple choice to make: Will the new technologies be used to dumb down the news or to smarten it up. The choice taken will be based on the preconceived notions of the people in those newsrooms–and in part by the cost cutters.
Yesterday I got miffed at Jane Kirtley who was [...]

Day in Life of a Mobile Journalist–A MoJo

Monday, December 4th, 2006

Washington Post chronicles activities of a MoJo, a mobile journalist, at Gannett’s Ft. Myers, Florida newspaper. He works out of his car with no office, no cubicle. He is one of 14 MoJos at the paper, soon to be joined by 16 more.
Look, I love the fact that the reporters get out of the office. [...]

Reuters, Yahoo Step Up Citizen Journalism Connections

Monday, December 4th, 2006

The New York Times runs story entitled: Have Camera Phone? Yahoo and Reuters Want You to Work for Their News Service.
Story reports:

Starting tomorrow, the photos and videos submitted will be placed throughout and Yahoo News, the most popular news Web site in the United States, according to comScore MediaMetrix. Reuters said that it would [...]

A Blog That Could Save Millions of Lives

Monday, December 4th, 2006

The New York Times Sunday Magazine has an interesting story about how blogs and wikis are slowly being introduced into the US intelligence community. I like this part the best:
Dale Meyerrose, the chief information officer for the office of the director of national intelligence, and:

his staff decided to create a test blog to collect intelligence. [...]
