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Archive for January, 2007

Owens: Personal Journalism Is the New Journalism

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

Howard Owens is doing some outloud thinking about what he calls personal journalism and makes some connections to public jounalism. He writes in part:

I’m coming to the conclusion that the new journalism is Personal Journalism.
Personal Journalism is just as ethical as old-school public journalism. It still values facts, fairness, truth telling and good reporting. It’s [...]

Newsrooms Should Pay Attention to IBM’s Avatar Adventures

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

Maybe it is time for every newsperson to get a Second Life avatar. I have been touting the idea that news organizations should be kicking people out of the newsroom and getting them involved at least part time in the participatory culture. Maybe they should use IBM as an example, which is getting more and [...]

Media Reform from a Black Perspective

Wednesday, January 24th, 2007

When I was at the Media Reform conference in Memphis, it seemed everywhere I turned I would see Amani Channel from the Black Family Channel with camera set up interviewing yet another person. So here are the results of those interviews, which aim at providing a black perspective on media reform and citizen journalism.
As a [...]

Learning Resource List for Citizen Journalists

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2007

Journalistopia supplies a list of resources for citizen journalists. Tip from Online Journalism Blog. Plus Robin Good provides a list of how to sell your photographs, in what he calls: A Citizen Journalist’s Mini-Guide To Monetizing Your Camera-Phone Content.

Technorati : citizenjournalism, photography : citizenjournalism, photography

Is the Imprisoned Josh Wolf a Journalist? His Answer Is Yes

Monday, January 22nd, 2007

I was at the table at a cafe in Memphis during the Media Reform Conference when both Chris Peck, editor of the Memphis Commercial Appeal, and Bill Densmore of the Media Giraffe project interviewed Liz Wolf Spada. She was telling how the federal government has imprisoned her son Josh Wolfe because he would not turn [...]
