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Archive for February, 2007

Citizen Journalism Is Not a Panacea

Wednesday, February 14th, 2007

On Monday, I blew a gasket when I read that Clear Channel’s KFTY-TV in Santa Rosa was firing all of its reporters and would move to get citizens to do its work. They should read this post from Vin Crosbie:
citizen journalism is a supplement, not a panacea. Citizen journalism itself isn’t going to reverse the [...]

We Don’t Need No Stinking Mainstream Media

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

As you know, I am trying real hard to help reinvent journalism so we will have a smarter journalism.
I always thought the mainstream media had a part in this. But now it has gotten personal. So we had our SoCon07 conference and not one reporter from one of the traditional media shows up to [...]

Listen to the SoCon07 Web 2.0 Session Podcast

Tuesday, February 13th, 2007

Amber Rhea and Rusty Tanton of the Georgia Podcast Network podcasted several sessions of the SoCon07 conference including the opening session which I led by giving a 20-minute overview of the open and free software movement, open content, disruptive technologies and finally Web 2.0. That was followed by an unconference conversation with the more than [...]

One Publisher to Another: What Kind of Crap Is That?

Monday, February 12th, 2007

Grayson Daughters caught this wonderful little Josh Hallett moment on video at the SoCon07 conference about baby blogging.

SoCon07, Hallett

Sharecropping Euphemism: Local content harvesting

Monday, February 12th, 2007

So this is what it is coming down to:
Santa Rosa TV station fires news staff, to ask local folks to provide programming
That’s the headline on a San Francisco Chronicle story, then it goes down hill from there.
Steve Spendlove is a Clear Channel executive overseeing KFTY-TV in Santa Rosa. The story says:
Spendlove said that [...]
