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Archive for March, 2007

Knight, WAN: Please Share Knowledge Freely, Immediately

Saturday, March 31st, 2007

Two books/reports were released this week: News Improved: How America’s Newsrooms Are Learning to Change was backed by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and the second is Trends in Newsrooms: The Annual Report of the World Editors Forum.
In this blog I want to review process rather than content. The people at the [...]

Scrapblog Is Back, Is Fun, Is Shareable

Friday, March 30th, 2007

Scrapblog made a big splash at the We Media conference in Miami, then went into hiding. But now it is back. Everyone is going to love it. Now media companies have to figure how their audiences might get the most mileage of it. Being vain I did my own little scrapeblog of a trip. Afterward, [...]

Round-Up of Gloom, Doom, Save the News Articles

Thursday, March 29th, 2007

Here thanks to iA Notebook is a list of story links on the gloom, doom and salvation of the news media.

Doc Searls Weblog: How to Save Newspapers
Robert Scoble: Newspapers are dead…
Don Dodge: Has the Internet killed newspapers, magazines, music and video?
Mathew: Print may be dying, but the news is not
Larry Digman: How journalism education should [...]

OhmyNews to Do 2.0 Relaunch

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

This from a San Francisco Chronicle update on OhmyNews, the South Korean online newspaper that helped start the citizen journalism buzz:

After having turned a small profit for three years, OhmyNews slid into the red in 2006. It faces growing competition in South Korea, has failed to catch fire beyond its borders and, most important, has [...]

Interesting News, They’d Read It on a Paper Bag

Wednesday, March 28th, 2007

The Poynter Institute released findings of its EyeTrack07 study. The thrust, captured in part by a Marketplace radio quote from newspaper design consultant Alan Jacobson, is:

they will read it if we print it on a paper bag, if they care about it.

This from the Poynter Institute report on the findings:

You can’t get much more basic [...]
