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Archive for March, 2008

The New Yorker, Blogs, PJNet and the Future

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Last night I went to my, I swear, last, panel discussion on Blogs and Journalism. This one sponsored by the Atlanta Press Club. Also I finally got around to reading The New Yorker article, Out of Print, talking mostly about the desmise of newspapers. Here too, I swear, I will not read another of those “death of [...]

Great Reporting Fellowship in Minnesota; Start Now

Tuesday, March 25th, 2008

Want the freedom to do high quality, ethically sound journalism in an inviting  atmosphere;  then this one-year fellowship might be perfect for you. Please spread the word, this will be a dream assignment for the right person.
 Help chart the future of local news and community. Apply for a Representative Journalism Fellowship. Leonard Witt, holder of the Robert [...]

There’s a Plethora of Nonprofit News Models

Thursday, March 20th, 2008

Miller-Clune, a magazine with the catch line,  Turning Research into Solutions, posted an article recently entitled: The Bottom Line for Nonprofit News. The article list a plethora of new nonprofit start-ups around the country, including Representative Journalism. Will they succeed? Here is what  Geoff Dougherty, founder and editor of the start-up Chi-Town Daily News, says:
“I feel [...]

Want Innovators? Turn to Newspaper Newsrooms

Tuesday, March 18th, 2008

Okay, I know it is hard to believe, however, the State of the News Media 2008 by the Project for Excellence in Journalism reports:
Increasingly, the newsroom is perceived as the more innovative and experimental part of the news industry. This appears truer in newspapers and Web sites than elsewhere. But still it represents a significant [...]

State of the News Media 2008 — It’s More Troubled

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Here is the first sentence of the State of the News Media 2008 report by the Project for Excellence in Journalism:  
The state of the American news media in 2008 is more troubled than a year ago.
Here are highlights from the introduction (I will have more over the next couple of days):

Even with so many [...]
