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Archive for August, 2008

Should Countries Have Right to Control Internet Content?

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

When the Pew Internet & American Life Project did a survey sampling 15 percent of “hundreds of government, industry leaders and internet activists from around the planet,” they learned that 59 percent of them disagreed with this statement:
“My country should have the right to approve the internet content available to the people of my country.”
That’s [...]

Pew: Only 19% of USA internet users download podcasts

Thursday, August 28th, 2008

The number of folks in the USA who download podcasts is growning, but it is still a relatively small number of Internet users, according to a survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project. Here is a quick overview:
Currently, 19% of all internet users say they have downloaded a podcast so they could listen [...]

Ignore Convention Pundit Blowhards; Watch C-Span

Tuesday, August 26th, 2008

Last night I started watching the Democratic National Convention on cable TV, I got so angry at the blowhard pundits that I turned to C-Span. No filters, just the convention speakers. Did I get bored? Not for a moment.
In the musical interludes between the speakers, I surfed back to the other channels covering the convention [...]

Vin Crosbie’s Must Read: General Interest is Obselete

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Van Crosbie is back with the Second Part of his multi-part post: Transforming American Newspapers, the crux of which is:
The industry’s problem isn’t its ownership, the Internet, or lacks of multimedia or interactivity. The problem is its general-interest product has become obsolete.
Plus the industry, according to Crosbie, has failed to ask the question:
Why did more than [...]

David Cohn Happy to Be in New York Times, But…

Monday, August 25th, 2008

What a nice way to wake up; this from David Cohn, founder of, which is his concept to fund quality journalism:
I woke up Sunday morning, checked twitter and was instantly referred to a New York Times article “A Different Way to Pay for the News You Want.”
It seems Spot.Us became the focus of an article that, [...]
