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Archive for April, 2009

Job for Executive, Business, Life Coaching Journalist

Monday, April 13th, 2009

If you are interested in executive coaching, business coaching and life coaching and are an experience journalist who wants to get involved in community supported journalism, here is an opportunity for you as described at the Poynter Institute jobs site:
The Community Support Journalist will report on a variety of coaching subject areas, including executive coaching, [...]

Two Great Jobs Open at Center for Sustainable Journalism

Monday, April 13th, 2009

The new Center for Sustainable Journalism at Kennesaw State University is pleased to announced two more job openings. One is for a:
Business Development Officer
The Business Development Officer will assist in commercializing sustainable journalism or media enterprises and will advance for-profit and nonprofit efforts aimed at promoting high quality, ethically sound journalism. The BDO will help [...]

People Will Pay As High Quality Journalism Becomes Scarce

Wednesday, April 8th, 2009

This is a blog, so I can make a prediction based on personal experience. When high quality news and information became scarce, I went to great lengths to get it including paying lots of money for it.
Let me explain, I lived in Minnesota for 18 years and was addicted to its public radio news and [...]

People Will and Do Buy Content; Information Isn’t Always Free

Monday, April 6th, 2009

Folks like Jeff Jarvis have been pushing the idea that charging for information won’t work. I have been saying what else will work.
Rather than listening to the information-is free crowd, we should all be trying to figure out this dilemma as written about in The New York Times today:
Consumers are using their mobile phones to [...]
