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Archive for December, 2009

Economist Lisa George: Journalism Survivors Will Earn More

Saturday, December 19th, 2009

Lisa George, an empirical economist and professor at Hunter College in New York City, says there probably will be “fewer journalists in the future. But those that remain in the market will probably earn much more.”
Here is why, according to George:
People who do read internet news focus on many fewer sources than what we see [...]

Schudson: Society must take responsibility for journalism’s future

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Journalism historian Michael Schudson says government, philanthropy, public radio, nonprofits and universities all should have a role in advancing the future of journalism.
Schudson, who recently co-authored The Reconstruction of American Journalism for Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, adds:
We need a mixed model of funding streams and we need society to take a kind of [...]

Jay Rosen Not Optimistic about Cloistered Media Elite

Wednesday, December 9th, 2009

Jay Rosen, like Clay Shirky in an earlier Future of Journalism interview, says people will be better informed in the future because: “We don’t have to depend on a single elite for our information,” and he adds, “I’m not optimistic about the survival of this cloistered elite that once monopolized the news system.”
The whole video [...]

Clay Shirky in Journalism Things Will Get Weirder

Tuesday, December 1st, 2009

Clay Shirky’s prognostication for the future of journalism:
“Things are going to get weirder before they get saner.”
And he adds:

“In real revolutions things get worse before they get better. .. One of the bad things I think is going to happen is, I think civic corruption is just going to rise [...]
