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Time for Journalists to Act as Entrepreneurs

Back at Jeff Jarvis’s Networked Journalism Summit as I was networking with Lisa Williams of and telling her about Representative Journalism and about a grant I was writing aimed to it. She took a look at my grant proposal and then wrote in it:

 Journalism is becoming a high-tech profession.  And like other high-tech professions such as software and biotechnology, professionals experience instability – layoffs, job changes, changes in their organization’s mission.  The good news about this change is that it provides entrepreneurial opportunities for journalists – but few journalists are taking advantage of these opportunities. 

I am now trying to incorporate that thought into my own ideas as  I try to advance this Representative Journalism concept. Right now I am trying to come up with a full blown Representative Journalism plan so I am blogging on it less but thinking of Representative Journalism more than ever.

One Response to “Time for Journalists to Act as Entrepreneurs”

  1. Networked Journalism Summit » Blog Archive » What’s Next - PJNET Says:

    [...] Here’s his quick update. Back at Jeff Jarvis’s Networked Journalism Summit as I was networking with Lisa Williams of and telling her about Representative Journalism and about a grant I was writing aimed to it. She took a look at my grant proposal and then wrote in it: Journalism is becoming a high-tech profession. And like other high-tech professions such as software and biotechnology, professionals experience instability – layoffs, job changes, changes in their organization’s mission. The good news about this change is that it provides entrepreneurial opportunities for journalists – but few journalists are taking advantage of these opportunities. [...]

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    Leonard Witt

    Leonard Witt is the Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication at Kennesaw State University and the chief blogger at

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    Representative Journalism, a term coined by Leonard Witt, aims to build sustainable journalism one small group at a time.

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