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Video Explains Representative Journalism — And Is Critiqued

Last week at the New England News Forum I made a 25-minute presentation explaining my Representative Journalism concept. You can see it below, it is very YouTube in quality. Here is Dan Kennedy, a Northeastern University journalism professor who writes the Media Nation blog, reacting to my presentation.

Free .TV show from Ustream

Also the forum set up by Bill Densmore of the Media Giraffe project, had several interesting presentations on topics such as teaching journalism literacy, the AP and copyright, social networking tools and teaching citizen journalism. If you have time, they are all worth downloading.

2 Responses to “Video Explains Representative Journalism — And Is Critiqued”

  1. Digidave Says:

    Excellent presentation. That rocked!

  2. Representative Journalism - Blog - Hello RepJ Followers, Meet Bonnie Obremski Says:

    [...] moves from the talking stage to the action stage. Want to learn more about our project, see the video here and keep an eye on Locally Grown — and of course join the discussion both here at a Locally [...]

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    Leonard Witt

    Leonard Witt is the Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication at Kennesaw State University and the chief blogger at

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    Representative Journalism, a term coined by Leonard Witt, aims to build sustainable journalism one small group at a time.

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