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Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Rep J Reporter to Talk about Her Northfield Experience

Thursday, December 4th, 2008

Bonnie Obremski, our Representative Journalist for our Northfield, Minnesota experiment, will be at the University of Missouri tomorrow, Friday, December 5, 2008, to talk about her experience so far as a Rep J.
The discussion is part of a conference hosted by Bill Densmore, who heads the Media Giraffe Project and who is currently a fellow [...]

Hello RepJ Followers, Meet Bonnie Obremski

Thursday, July 10th, 2008

At just about the time as I am writing this, Bonnie Obremski, our first Representative Journalism fellow, is arriving in Northfield, Minnesota. Once she settles in, she will be filing in-depth stories for the Locally Grown blog run by Ross Currier, Tracy Davis and Griff Wigley.
Of course, Bill Densmore, who is giving logistics support, Chris [...]

Video Explains Representative Journalism — And Is Critiqued

Wednesday, July 2nd, 2008

Last week at the New England News Forum I made a 25-minute presentation explaining my Representative Journalism concept. You can see it below, it is very YouTube in quality. Here is Dan Kennedy, a Northeastern University journalism professor who writes the Media Nation blog, reacting to my presentation.
Free .TV show from Ustream
Also the forum [...]

Medical, Science News Perfect for Representative Journalism

Wednesday, October 24th, 2007

At my sister site,, I have been running a series of videos on the future of journalism. Today I decided to run one of the videos here instead because it plays into the Representative Journalism concept so well. At ConvergeSouth 2007 I did an interview with Anton Zuiker of the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill area of [...]

Save the Manatee and Journalism Too

Monday, October 1st, 2007

The New York Times has a story about the nonprofit St. Petersburg Times, with this key excerpt:
 “We don’t put out a newspaper to make money,” says Paul C. Tash, the chief executive of the Times Publishing Company, which oversees the paper. “We make money so we can put out a great newspaper.”
Still the St. Petersburg Times [...]

Finding National Stars to Cover the Hyperlocal

Sunday, September 23rd, 2007

Using Robert Picard as my touchstone, earlier I wrote that too many journalists lack value. They are all but cogs in a machine.  However, my idea of a Representative Journalist is someone who would provide plenty of value for a Representative Journalism community. So much value that rather than hiring a kid right out of college, the [...]

Representative Journalism: Hire More Book Review Editors — Part I

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

When the Atlanta Journal-Constitution cut its book review editor, I started thinking of  how it might have been a different scenario in the Representative Journalism world. Then came the Columbia Journalism Review’s cover story by Steve Wasserman entitled Goodbye to All That: The decline of the coverage of books isn’t new, benign, or necessary. I knew it was [...]

Lessons Learned: Week 1 Representative Journalism Blog

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

Last week I started the Representative Journalism blog. The most important lesson I learned during the first week is that Representative Journalists, and indeed all journalists, if they want, will be closely linked to their communities via established tools like Digg and Twitter and emerging tools like Publish2 and ReporTwitter.
 Audiences will easily be able to [...]

Mix Twitter, Digg and Your Favorite Reporter

Friday, August 31st, 2007

Yesterday on this site I put up a little widget entitled “What I’m Thinking About,” it’s really a Twitter widget adapted for use here. I got the idea after David Cohn referred me to Ryan Sholin at Invisible Inkling. He writes at one of his posts:
I want the people formerly known as the audience to have a space [...]

Representative Journalism: Ethical Concerns

Wednesday, August 29th, 2007

I blogged yesterday about strings attached to Representative Journalism. Commenter Noah Kunin, concerning my Joel Kramer interview, wrote: :
I think Kramer’s mentioning of “strings” is important but could be easily overcome by transparency in any practical Rep. Journalism model.
That being said, there are already thousands of hidden strings in the MSM – might [...]


About RJ

  • Your host

    Leonard Witt

    Leonard Witt is the Robert D. Fowler Distinguished Chair in Communication at Kennesaw State University and the chief blogger at

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  • Advisory Board

  • What I'm thinking about

  • A Definition

    Representative Journalism, a term coined by Leonard Witt, aims to build sustainable journalism one small group at a time.

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  • Your Role

    Leonard Witt has been developing the Representative Journalism idea behind the scenes for several months. Now he is going public. You can help develop the concept into a workable model or models for mainstream media, small operations, start-ups or individual endeavors.

    Join this online think-tank either ad hoc or sign up in the box that says "Join this Community." Let's make postive change together.