Sign Up Now: SoCon12, Social Media and the Brews and News Fun-Raiser
December 12th, 2011 by Leonard WittJoin us for 1.5 days of learning, sharing and networking at our SoCon12 and Brews and News Fun-Raiser weekend on Feb. 3-4, 2012.
Registration is now open for SoCon12, our annual social media conference at Kennesaw State University outside of Atlanta on Saturday, Feb 4, 2012 . Every year we sell out our 325 seats early, so sign up now. Don’t get shut out.
Plus be sure to do some extra networking at our Brews and News Fun-Raiser for our Center for Sustainable Journalism and our centerpiece Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, on Friday night Feb. 3, 2012 at the SweetWater Brewery in Atlanta.

Steve Rubel
One SoCon12 headliner is Steve Rubel, executive vice president for EVGlobal Strategy and Insights for Edelman – the world’s largest independent public relations firm. His topic: Transmedia storytelling. Learn how Facebook, YouTube videos, videogames, comics and more could all play a role in your transmedia strategy.
Jeff Haynie will lead off the day with an overview of what to expect on the mobile front and he should know. Haynie is Co-founder and CEO of Appcelerator, which just got $15 million in new a round of funding because as TechCrunch writes:
The company … took the opportunity to provide an update on its growth. It now has 30,000 mobile applications on over 30 million mobile devices in its portfolio and 1.6 million developers in its ecosystem. This makes it if not the largest, then certainly one of the largest, mobile development platforms in existence today.
SoCon12 also will have more than 30 breakout sessions covering a wide variety of topics including this sampling:
- Creating and Leveraging Sustainable Social Media Communities
- Quit the Daily Grind: A Former Newspaper Reporter’s Social-Media Journey to Freelance Success
- The Creative (not creepy) Use of Social Media Analytics
- Create, Connect, Collaborate: Words that Work Online
- Crowd Financing 101

Jeff Haynie
More sessions are coming online daily, so keep watching the site.
There is an early bird special right now Dec. 12 for both SoCon12 and the Brews and News Fun-Raiser so register now before the special lapses. See you on Feb. 4-5 for the Southeast’s premiere social media conference.